Friday, April 6, 2007

The Half Way Point

(photo by mitch krpata)

Well here is the half way point in my Invisalign process. I'm not particularly happy with the giant gap between my teeth, but that's apparently going to close up in time. You can really see all that damn filing they did to me with those particular teeth though, the rest has since closed up, so that's a good sign. I really should have taken these pictures from the start. (maybe in the next ones i'll put on some makeup before hand). Anyway, it seems to be going well. About 6 more months of actual moving of the teeth and then another 6 months of 24-7 retainer wear. So, really in about a year i will be down to wearing the aligners at night. pretty sweet. I've actually just put in a new set, so already i'm moving right along.
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