Friday, June 29, 2007


I am connected to the internet. Not our wireless network, because God forbid that just works, but some random unprotected network. So here I am. My first post from the Mac...

Fun with Photo Booth.

So far this is my favorite feature on the MacBook.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Buttons, Buttons, I've got some Buttons...

Yesterday at my Invisalign appointment I received the "buttons" seen in the picture below. The teeth on either side of my front top teeth are having some trouble moving down. I guess this is a common problem with Invisalign due to the small amount of surface area on those particular teeth. As you can see, there are buttons on the tops of those two teeth. I have two other buttons on the back sides of those teeth as well (picture did not come out, it is hard to take a picture of the inside of your mouth).

In the next photo I have my aligners in and have attached the rubber bands from the back of those teeth around to the front. I have two bands on each tooth. This makes it extremely difficult to get them on. The first bands go on fine but the second bands give me so much trouble. I've already lost many a band somewhere in my bathroom. Boy those things can fly! Good thing they gave me two bags of the things. I also borrowed a tool, a sort of long tweezers, from my orthodontist in order to grab the little buggers to put them on.

I've only gone a little over 24 hours, but boy are my my teeth sore. Eating cheese hurt today. I was told I could go down to one band each, but if I can tough it out these 4 weeks and make good progress chances are I can get the buttons removed. I'm gonna try for as long as I can anyway.

If worse comes to worse I'll just lose some weight over the next few weeks from my liquid diet.
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